
Cathartic Ink

putting my own spin on things

101 in 1001

Things I Want to Do Before I Turn 30

From the 101 in 1001 project:

The Mission:
Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.

The Criteria:
Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on my part).

Why 1001 Days?
Many people have created lists in the past – frequently simple goals such as New Year’s resolutions. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organising and timing some tasks such as overseas trips or outdoor activities.

Between September 7, 2008 and June 4, 2011 I will attempt to complete the following:

Bold = completed
= in-progress
= planned/notes

1. Start Half Sleeve Tattoo
2. Complete Master Knitter’s Program Level 1
3. Buy a House (With my husband of course).
4. Read 6 Novels in 6 months
5. Create one new illustration a week for 10 weeks
6. Take one photo a day of something interesting to me for 30 days
I took 364 daily photos in 2009. In total, I uploaded somewhere around 900 photos to flickr last year, a fraction of what I took. Thank the heavens for digital!
7. Launch bdrose.net Soft launch accomplished, full site to come.
8. Weigh 199 pounds or less
9. Adopt a dog. Or two.
10. Plant an herb garden
11. Send timely holiday cards
12. Spend at least 30 minutes a day sketching, by hand, for 14 days in a 30 day period
13. Complete an 8″x8″ or larger pointelist piece
14. Create a functional, inspiring and comfortable workspace: Getting settled in. [9/27/08]
15. Reupholster a piece of furniture
16. Attend ComicCon
17. Attend PAX
18. Visit the beach
19. Attend a play
In 2009, we went to two stand-up/comedy/q&a shows and Spamalot. I didn’t even remember this was on the list when we went to see it. It was great. I highly recommend it.
20. Upgrade to a better DSLR Camera
Done. I upgraded from my first gen Rebel to a Rebel Xsi in spring of 2009.
21. Go apple picking
22. Host a costume party
23. See the Spruce Goose
24. Work out 3 times a week for 1 month
25. Write living will, have notarized
26. Participate in Self Portrait Thursday for 52 weeks.
27. Cook or bake one ridiculously complicated thing.
28. Vacuum once a week for 6 months
29. Wear a skirt just to wear a skirt.
30. Write a list of 100 things that make me happy.
31. Write a list of 100 things that inspire me.
32. Illustrate the list of 100 things that make me happy and create a small book.
33. Illustrate the list of 100 things that inspire me and create a small book.
34. Host Christmas Dinner.
Done. Christmas ’09 was spent here at Casa de Baya. We had appetizers on Christmas Eve and mushroom and herb stuff pork loin with mustard cream sauce for Christmas dinner. It was delicious.
35. Bake a Buche de Noel, including meringue or marzipan mushrooms.
36. Make perfect dill pickles, spicy, crispy and sour
37. Find 3 ways to eat beans that I find palatable
Hummus, chickpea salad, fallafel. Oh, how I love the chickpea. I’m going to work on black beans next.
38. Go camping, preferably with group of friends
39. Put together first aid kit for home
40. Spend at least a weekend at The Cabin with my husband
41. Visit Bend
42. Go one week without meat [dairy, eggs and locally caught fish ok]
43. Join at least one professional association
44. Brew my own soda
45. Spend entire weekend without computer
46. Visit at least one ridiculously cheesey/well known tourist attraction
Took a short bay cruise in the SF Bay. Went to Boudin Bakery and bought sourdough bread. Visited Coit Tower. In Maine, took photo of giant LL Bean boot.
47. Cross five things off my husband’s “must see in Oregon” list
48. Pick a sweater I will wear constantly and knit it for myself.
49. Reduce my shoe collection by 25%
Did this before we moved. Goodbye shoes I will never wear again because you have ridiculous 5″ platform soles!
50. Enter one piece of knitting to competition
51. Make macarons
52. Create a cleaning schedule
53. Purchase a good pair of prescription sunglasses
54. Write and mail six letters to people I love
55. Learn basic CSS
56. Redesign catharticink.com
57. Give up caffeine in liquid form [soda, coffee, etc] for one month
58. Create household inventory
59. Spin at least 10 minutes a day for 30 days
60. Make a happy hat/crown/tiara–purpose, to act as silly method of transference when I am having a bad day
61. Buy a wig and wear it in public, for fun
62. Create and maintain non-digital phone and address book
63. Complete a full back up of my laptop
64. Feed the ducks
65. Replace all lightbulbs with CF or LEDs
66. Create at least one clothing item for myself by sewing
67. Beat one song on Guitar Hero on Hard
68. Make my own vanilla extract [have been planning this for six months] It’s in the pantry. Should be ready for use by December 24th or so.
69. Renew my library card
70. Try one new recipe a month
71. Obtain health insurance
72. Create business cards
73. Explore 12 new places locally
74. Build a sandcastle
75. Have a picnic, in my living room
76. Decorate home for Halloween
77. Take a multi-vitamin daily for 28 consecutive days.
78. Donate wedding dress
79. Read the Man Booker Prize winning book from the year of my birth
80. Read the Pulizter Prize for Fiction winning book from the year of my birth
81. Go for a leisurely walk in the rain, without an umbrella
82. Celebrate my husband’s 30th birthday
We went to see Joel McHale, and spent the weekend in Portland.
83. Make time to sort Nanie’s recipe boxes with my mother-in-law
84. Visit 5 places on my “want to see in Portland but we never have time” list-Japanese Garden
85. Create replacement shrine for Lee’s Mary
86. Have lunch with my husband on a weekday 12 times
87. Go on a monthly date with my husband
88. Update my 100 things about me list
89. Gather friends for karaoke night out, do not have to sing
90. Buy a plant for office. Keep alive for at least 90 days
91. Knit Muir shawl in blue yarn for me.
92. Reply to personal emails within 48 hours, generally

93. Empty my inboxes and keep them empty – 2 of 3 accounts emptied 9/27/08

94. Accept a compliment without pointing out things I did that “weren’t right”
95. Organize pantry Broken bowl led to impromptu total kitchen cleaning and reorganizing.
96. Make annual donation to Child’s Play and Knitters Without Borders (Doctors Without Borders)
97. Blog daily for 28 consecutive days I did this (and then some!) with NaBloPoMo 2008
98. Go to Minnesota State Fair/Visit college friends
99. Watch the sun rise
100. Post copy of list where I will see it every day.
101. Celebrate my 30th birthday