So, this is a very bad week for me. I have my midterm review
for my thesis on Wednesday, a midterm exam tomorrow, and then I have meetings, work, and a shitload of cleaning and
packing to do before I go to Oregon on Friday. Even though I am swamped, Monday is grocery day so I took the time. We
went to the WASP-y grocery store so I could cash my check and get a PIN number assigned to my debit card, and they bag
your groceries for you. Well, the idiot who bagged my groceries didn’t put my bread, or my muffins in my bag, and
being short on sleep and distracted I didn’t check. So now I have stuff to make sandwiches which does me no good.
Specifically bad because I planned on eating mostly those for the week. Grrr. I hope it doesn’t get worse.