
Cathartic Ink

putting my own spin on things

taken out of context i must seem so strange…

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i don’t have a lot to say right now. its a time of some
serious weirdness in my life. i have so very little left of my undergraduate career and my stay in north dakota…i
stayed home tonight with the intention of cleaning up, doing laundry and beginning to pack my things…well, its 11.20
pm and i have done nothing more than watch tv. i keep meaning to at least get up and start a sock, now that i have
time to do some knitting (okay, so I really don’t, i have a lot of work to get done at my job before i leave, and a lot
of packing and cleaning and such that has to happen, along with finding a place to live in eugene and several other

i’m excited to be done, and all, but i am very much weirded out by the whole thing also. there
are so many people i care about here that make leaving very very hard on me. at least i’m going to be near derek and
chris and ben so i won’t be alone upon leaving here. speaking of Chris, I
officially have to hate him. I have now had mono and been mostly sick since the very beginning of last October, or for
7 months now, and he was diagnosed only a short while ago and he’s almost better now. Its just not fair. Granted, i
pushed myself because i didn’t have time for time off, but so did he. who knows. all i know is that its not fair, and
if i ever get rid of this mono i will be a happy, happy camper.

all right, i’m gonna go grab the sock
pattern, the elastic and the small dpn’s and get cranking on a new sock to match the one i finished back the end of

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