…of the 1926 Ladies’ Home Journal that is. Here are a few of my favorite headlines from the 12 issues published that year.
Are You Serving a Variety of Breads?
GARNISH: for Better Digestion, For Better Nourishment, For Better Balance in the Diet — Not for Style Alone. [From an ad for Sunkist Lemons]
Since 400 BC Science has Found Nothing Quite so Effective as Mustard [From an ad for Colman’s Mustard]
From Soup to Souffle – Your Gums Get Little Stimulation From the Food You Eat [From an ad for Ipana Tooth Paste (apparently “pink toothbrush” was a very common problem in the early part of the 20th century)]
Was This a Hint? [From an ad for Listerine]
Heatproof Glass is the Dish for Baking Fish! [From an article about the introduction of Pyrex]
Are You a “Lady-in-Waiting” to a Lazy Drain? [From a Drano ad]
Toilet Preparations are Not Magical! [From an Elizabeth Arden ad]
Outdoors or Indoors: “Mum” is the Word [From an ad for “Mum” a “delicate deodorant” powder]
I am also astounded by how many ads there were for the relief of constipation. Although, they didn’t start to refer to it as constipation in the magazine for another 15 years or so from what I can tell.