
Cathartic Ink

putting my own spin on things

That’s Bullshit!

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I believe that earlier today I earned the status of best gift-giver ever. And best fiance ever. At least the best one TheBoy has. I filed my taxes, and will have my refund sometime around the tenth of February. I didn’t get back everything that I paid in, but I am getting back most of it. Part of it has to go to pay Oregon, because I didn’t pay them anything while I was working in Alaska, but there’s a fair chunk left over. Because we know we’re going to have the money that we need to go East for a week this summer, we’ve figured out how to spend the rest.
1. Sunglasses lenses, hopefully for an old pair of my frames. A necessity for a visit to Las Vegas, especially with my eye issues.
2. A spinning wheel. Two weeks from today, TheBoy and I will be visiting Pacific Wool and Fiber and with any luck will be bringing home a beautiful, walnut stained Kromski Prelude. I’m very very excited to be able to spin in my own apartment.

And 3. This is the part that the title of this entry refers to as well as what makes me the best gift giver. TheBoy’s birthday is the day we get back from our trip to Vegas. I’ve been wracking my brain trying to think of what to get him. Today I figured it out. He, his best friend and I have tickets to see Penn and Teller in the end of March. We all love them, not just as magicians, but also for their show Bullshit! and had been trying to figure out how to come up with the extra money to go. Tax refund = tickets! And according to the website when I ordered them, they appear to be front row, center section, on the aisle. All of which are very very good things. We’re extremely excited, we are.

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