
Cathartic Ink

putting my own spin on things

Sunday Night Update

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Spent the weekend relaxing mostly. Last week was pretty stressful, and there will be a little more stress this week before it is all over. I had a dinner meeting on Friday, which ended up being a lot of fun, and then came home and spent some time hanging out with TheBoy, who had a drunken business lunch and was very sleepy. Then on Saturday we went and picked up some craft supplies and I did quite a bit of knitting. I found a pattern here that I thought would look really cute. I’ve been meaning to get some fabric headbands for awhile, but I never find any that I like. I’ve also been meaning to do some color work because it is definitely a skill that interests me, although I don’t usually go in for fair isle patterned sweaters. At any rate, I used leftovers of Lamb’s Pride Nature Spun Sport in Totally Turquoise and Black, on size 2 needles and this is what I came up with:

And a more detailed shot. My hair looks shiny here.

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