
Cathartic Ink

putting my own spin on things

Giving Thanks

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Today, on Thanksgiving before the eating and the family time begin, I’m taking the time to jot down a few of thing things I am thankful for.

I am thankful that TheBoy and I live in a fairly nice apartment and that we can afford not just food and clothing but also a few non-necessity items now and then and that we can afford to help those less fortunate as well. I’m thankful for the rain here in Oregon because anywhere else I’ve ever lived it would be snow which would make getting around lately very hard. I am thankful for my family, as crazy as we all can be:

TheMom, TheSisters and I

TheDad, his sister, TheYoungerSister and I

I’m thankful for the ladies of the guild, particularly Sara, Emily and Miriam for welcoming me into their circle of fiber fiends with such open arms. You guys are great and I’m very glad to know you:

Me, E, M, S and K in the back.

And last, but definitely not least I am thankful for TheBoy. His love and support get me through every single day; good and bad. I can’t imagine being without him and I am very excited to be marrying him. I am also thankful that even though he hates having his photo taken that he lets me take photos like this:

I swear he’s not really as sad as he looks considering we both burst out laughing after I took this shot.

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