
Cathartic Ink

putting my own spin on things

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Spin to Knit 2

I need to write all about my trip, at least the condensed version, but for now I need to post this:

I am seriously remiss in posting about receiving the second package from my spin to knit buddy http://naturespirit.livejournal.com/

140 yards handspun Cormo dyed with koolaid. The pale blue puff is some carded, dyed cormo and the crimpy white is unprocessed cormo. The green is ingeo. She also sent a new bobbin for Gert.

I didn’t take a photo of the bobbin because by the time I got around to taking a photo of the rest of the package, it was already on my wheel and partly full of something else.

This was an interesting swap. I’m really sad that those folks running the swap never posted a list of those folks participating because I really ended up feeling like I was in a very private thing instead of something that should have been shared with a greater community. Never fear, I did suggest this to them for the next time a book comes out and they decide to run a swap in conjunction. Apart from that, it was fun. And my last swap for quite awhile unless something really really good comes along. Right now I’m far too swamped [and broke] from wedding hoopla to spend much time doing anything other than wedding. And here, I’ll leave you with a teaser image from my trip:

SF Skyline
Click to biggerize! The SF Skyline taken from the Golden Gate Bridge

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