I’m a bit late on this one, but there’s been some wonderful amidst the crud recently. My husband’s niece and her husband [there’s a generation gap between TheBoy and his half siblings] welcomed their first child, a son into the world on October 29th. It’s wonderful news, he’s happy and healthy and I can’t wait until we get to travel to meet him. In preparation for his arrival, I began what would become one of many baby related knitting projects.
This is Kate Gilbert’s Pea Pod from Interweave Knits, knit in the six month size from Knitpick’s Shine Sport in Turquoise. I really like high contrast buttons, and when I was searching for buttons at JoAnn’s I thought these would be perfect…And machine washable. Highly necessary when dealing with baby knits, in my opinion. I haven’t gotten this mailed off to them yet, at this rate it might end up going as a Christmas gift, but it won’t be cold enough for him to wear it until about then anyway, nor will it fit for a bit yet.
In general baby news, there are babies everywhere in my life. First was a daughter for a friend of mine from high school in September. Then, our great-nephew. And coming up, three babies in the month of December. One for one of my dearest friends from undergrad, and two will be born to friends from graduate school. All told, my knit goods tally for this round [plus gifts for a not-so-much-a-baby-anymore little boy I know] should include three sweaters, two hat and mitten sets and a stuffed elephant. Clearly, it’s a good thing I didn’t plan to knit holiday gifts for anyone.
watch out! Things like that can be contageous. I love that sweater and I still say the buttons look like ladybugs on a leaf
It looks fantastic! And, watch out!, babies come in droves for some strange reason…