
Cathartic Ink

putting my own spin on things

He’s the Cheese to my Macaroni


TheBoy and I saw the movie Juno on Saturday. It was brilliant. I laughed. A. Lot. And then I cried. Just a little bit. Then I laughed some more. It left me feeling really wonderful about my marriage and the relationship that I have with TheBoy [I know I’m gushy and schmoopy, but I can’t help it. He’s. Just. That. Great.]

The best part of the evening [for me] was what we found outside the theatre:


Snow! In Eugene! I feel like a total tourist getting giddy over the snow and taking photographs of it. I do truly miss living in a cooler climate some days, and in the winter I feel so incomplete without snow. Call me crazy, but it’s in my blood. And you know, we had snow, just a little bit, and then it was all gone within 24 hours. And that’s also nice.

We are getting a lot of rain. Not that that’s abnormal for this time of year. My desk at work sits under a skylight so I spend the day listening to the pattering, drumming and thundering of rain on the glass. It’s glorious, I really revel in the rain for the most part. It’s weird, but it frequently fills a large part of the void in my life left by not seeing the ocean every day. Besides rainy, grey days are the best kinds of days to spend inside with hot cocoa and a good book.


  1. T

    I saw Juno as well and I just LOVED it! It made me SOOOOO HAPPY! and I was in a bad mood before I saw it, so it worked wonders!!!!

  2. Jodie

    We revel in the rain also. I explain to non Oregon people, you have your summer culture (getting out, enjoying sun) and your winter culture (reading, knitting, coffee, tea). I love it.

  3. Amy

    The rain is the number one reason I want to live in Oregon so very badly. I love grey and rainy days.