
Cathartic Ink

putting my own spin on things

And Another Birthday!


Today, the joyous occasion is in honor of my much beloved husband who–much to his chagrin–is 29 years old today. He refused to let me bake him a cake, he doesn’t want a party and in general wants to pretend April 1st is not happening. I love him far too much to let this day pass without a schmoopy, sappy, public note devoted to the celebration of his birth. Because, of course, he couldn’t be my husband if he’d never been born.

So happy birthday my love, it’s happening whether you want it to or not! And remember, from now until June 4th, you can tell people you’re three years older than me. It won’t really be true, but I love you enough to play along.


  1. MadMup

    I already wished him a happy birthday on Facebook, but I can do so again here.

    Happy Birthday, Derek!

  2. Amy

    Happy Birthday! Another April 1st birthday 😀 My Dad’s Birthday is today too. Me and my Brother are tomorrow. April birthdays RAWK!!!

  3. TheAmpuT

    Happy Birthday, Derek!
    No cake?? feh. How about a party hat??
    (my ex-mom-in-law’s is today, too…and I like her LOL)

  4. Jodie

    Happy birthday Derek! Maybe we’ll have to have a little joint celeberation. My b-day is on tuesday!