Been too busy and caught up in life to post, but here’s a meme I swiped from rachel m.
The Rules:
– When tagged, place the name of the person and URL on your blog:
rachel m
– Post the rules on your blog
– Write 7 things about yourself
– Tag 7 of your favorite bloggers.
Hmmm. Seven things…
1. I only like to drink water if it’s very cold.
2. I never cease to be amazed how different my sisters and I are from each other.
3. I like to play video games but I am terrible at them.
4. I love crossword puzzles.
5. I hate mayonnaise, unless it is very garlic-y or full of dill and pickles (tartar sauce)
6. It is a rare day when I don’t use Adobe Illustrator, InDesign or Photoshop. Illustrator and InDesign are two of my best friends.
7. I am teaching myself CSS, very slowly.
I tag:
anyone who wants to be tagged!
I love cold, cold water too. It tastes better that way.