
Cathartic Ink

putting my own spin on things

Willamette Valley Music Fest

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This post is for the locals. This weekend, May 17-18 is the Willamette Valley Music Fest. In its 38th year, Music Fest features over 30 bands on two stages, an art expo, food vendors and beer and wine concessions. Sponsored by the UO Cultural Forum it is free to everyone! There’s a wide variety of music from indie rock to bluegrass, from folk to reggae.

It should be a really warm weekend, and sunny, so folks should wear sunscreen and plan to drink lots and lots of water. TheBoy and I will be there for part of the weekend (I’m not sure which part yet). I’ll be running around with my camera, likely getting sunburnt through my SPF 85. If you’re local, come out and enjoy some good music. You can find all the pertinent information on the website, and there’ll be an insert in this week’s Weekly if you want to see it all printed out on paper.

In the interest of full disclosure, I have no financial interest in the WVMF, but I am connected to the Cultural Forum.

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