
Cathartic Ink

putting my own spin on things



Today I turned 27. I slept late, poked around online and knit while hanging out with the cat. I received a package via FedEx, (more on that later) chatted with rachelm and was generally lazy until my husband came home from work just before 3pm. Then, he gave me presents (The BBC versions of the Narnia books from the late 80s/early 90s and a signed copy of Shepard Fairy’s book.) After taking phone calls from my entire family D and I headed off to a dinner at Ambrosia. Several crab stuffed mushrooms and wonderful lamb chops later we’re home again and I’m gearing down for the night.

Thoughts on being another year older? Not many. I don’t mind getting older, although I really miss my family on my birthday. Besides, I’ve already gotten two AARP cards (I wonder who messed up that paperwork!?) in the mail so hey, discounts galore. You know, in another quarter century or so. I love birthdays and I was lucky enough to be surrounded by a dozen lovely people on Saturday night for cake, hamburgers, a gallon of margaritas (totally worth all the juice squeezing by the way) and some video games. I am noticing that things never get less crazy. 25 was crazy because it was the year just preceding our wedding. We thought 26 would be much calmer but well, it spun away from me just as quickly as 25. I’ve got big plans for 27, things that will be announced as the year zooms by. All I know is that I need to make sure to take the time to enjoy the ride.


  1. T

    So sorry I was unable to make it on Saturday. Matt and I had a million things to do around the house and yard to get ready for our housewarming this Saturday. Glad you had a great b-day, I know my 27th year was pretty great, and I hope your goes just as well!

  2. TheAmpuT

    Happy Birthday, Bon! (sorry I’m behind on the blog & the card was late, too–man, I suck)…but I’m glad I at least to got to IM you at the butt crack of dawn on your day! I hope this is a great year for you! XO