
Cathartic Ink

putting my own spin on things

Farmer John

Recently my husband and I purchased a share in a local community supported agriculture farm, thanks in part to Jodie and Anthony. Once a week we get a bag full of wonderful local produce. So far our favorite things have been the apricots, the strawberries, and the homemade sauerkraut.

Just after we joined, the farm held had their annual farm day, so we loaded up the car and drove out to Creswell to visit Sweetwater Farm and see where our produce comes from. We got a great tour from Farmer John:

Farmer John

Ate some great food (including pizza from their on-site brick oven). Jodie and I talked to some folks about spinning and knitting (Jodie had bought her wheel, one of the folks from the farm is also a spinner.) And I got to hold someone’s very adorable baby girl who was having a massive allergic reaction to something. Poor thing. All in all it was a great day, even with the high temps and blazing sun we had to endure.

see the rest of my photos from Farm Day here.


  1. Amy

    That looks like it was a great day! How cool to have a farm share. You already know how terribly jealous I am 😛