
Cathartic Ink

putting my own spin on things

There and Back Again

We recently drove to California (and back!) We’ve been back home for two weeks and I’ve written nary a word here on the blog about the trip. I’m slowly processing the nearly 1100 photos I took. Until I finish that I’m going to hold off on the blog recap. Instead, here’s an adorable photo of the cat.

Yawning cat.

In related news, it’s been so hot here that we decided to seek respite from the oppressive heat in our apartment but felt bad leaving the cat home (it was cool enough that she was not in danger). Instead of leaving her, we harnessed her, hooked on the leash and headed out. We took her carrier in case she freaked out but she took it in stride, sitting on my lap–purring and watching out the windows. We saw several crows, two donkeys and what appeared to be a yearling buck deer. We grabbed coffee via the Starbucks drive through and really surprised the girl working the window. Guess it’s not every day you see a cat riding in the car.


  1. Dawn

    I was going to type something coherent, but DAT KYOOT WIDDLE KITTEEFACE totally melted my brain and now all I’ve got is “Oooh! Kitty! Snorgley-boo!”

    Look at that wee, pink tongue! *love!*