
Cathartic Ink

putting my own spin on things

101 in 1001

I am 994 days shy of turning 30. In order to celebrate that milestone, I decided to embark on 101 in 1001. For 1001 days I will attempt to accomplish 101 goals, ranging in size from small (visit the beach) to much larger scale (buy a house, launch my professional website). This blog post is a week behind my actual 1001 days schedule, because last weekend was exhausting and the list was harder to write than I thought it would be.

Why am I doing this? Because I work well with deadlines. By setting these goals and keeping the list where I can see it frequently, I’ll be reminded of these things I want to do. I’m hoping it will also help me celebrate the time I have left in my twenties. It just seems like the right thing for me to do.

Accountability. I’ll be marking things off the list as I accomplish them, and blogging those accomplishments. In the end though, my real hope is to create some inspiration for myself, and to reconnect with a part of me that frequently feels very far away these days.

View my 101 in 1001 list here.


  1. MadMup

    This is an inspiring and depressing goal, Bonnie – it’s inspiring because it’s such an admirable, worthwhile thing. It’s depressing because I could never do it.

    I look forward to following your progress… and live vicariously through your experiences 🙂

  2. Amy

    That is a great list. I know you can do it 😀

    I have never written a list like that before. I don’t know if I could handle the pressure

  3. Mary

    This is an awesome idea, Bonnie. I’d like to do something like it. Maybe a “100 things I’d like to get done in my house in 1001 days.” I look forward to seeing your progress.