
Cathartic Ink

putting my own spin on things

In the Fall, We Preserve


The weather has been perfectly fall lately, if a little dry. A couple of weeks ago we took a drive out to pick up some apples for applesauce and apple butter, and since then I’ve been drying apples in my impulsively purchased Ronco Food Dehydrator. This weekend we’re off to get some pears for dried pears [it’s my understanding that I can quarter them, remove the core and dry away. So easy!] The dried fruit is easier to pack and eat in lunch boxes which is important because my husband and I are working to get into better shape.

My mother-in-law recently took a trip to Hawaii and returned with this piece of fabulous kitsch:

Bobbleshark is soooo happy!

There is something so unbelievably happy making about watching a plastic shark with a giant grin bobble away. There’s no place to install him in the car (since the prius is a hatchback) so he’s been gracing the corner of my desk at home. When I’m feeling down, all I need to do is give him a tap and I perk right back up. I recommend bobbleheads for everyone.


  1. MadMup

    I think the only bobblehead I’d be interested in owning would be a Q*Bert bobblehead. You find one somewhere, you let me know!

  2. Amy

    that shark is a cutie! I did a bunch of preserving last year, but I just didn’t find the time to do it agian this year.

  3. Eugene

    I am seaching for some idea to write in my blog… somehow come to your blog. best of luck. Eugene

  4. Mia

    If you have a mandoline, you can make apple chips. There is a lady who brings them in sometimes to the LYS. They are to die for!! They are that good. I need to get a dehydrator soon. I have access to free veggies all summer long.

    I love the bobble shark.