
Cathartic Ink

putting my own spin on things

Looking Back, Looking Ahead


year in review mosaic

1. A, 2. The Sun, 3. Wall O’ Fists, 4. Chapstick, 5. Ballroom, 6. Hairs Cut, 7. A is for Ace, 8. Tristan + Cake, 9. Sonata and Stool, 10. Laser Tag in the EMU :: Tristan, 11. Resting, 12. Dancing Guy, 13. Cat in Harness, 14. Cake, 15. Dancing in the Dark, 16. Lincoln, 17. Judith MacKenzie McCuin, 18. 18 pounds, 19. Farmer John, 20. Sea Otter, 21. First Kiss, 22. Geyser, 23. Little Car in a Big Tree, 24. Bride, 25. Scott and Elizabeth, 26. Crab Cat, 27. Caramel Apple Cheesecake, 28. Vanilla Extract, 29. Kitty Toes, 30. Plan

Created with fd’s Flickr Toys.

January: Celebrated Anthony‘s birthday (belatedly) with an eggroll party at their home. Saw snow on the sun, at least the scale model here in town.
February: emuLAN3.0 for which I got to do the branding and collateral design. Chopped my hair off.
March: Went to Portland to see Cirque du Soleil, stayed at the Ace Hotel. Celebrated Tristan’s 21st birthday. Left graduate school.
April: Husband turned 29. Bought a new spinning wheel.
May: Laser tag in the EMU. Brought home Pica, who is the best cat we ever could have gotten. Willamette Valley MusicFest, on a blazing hot weekend. Started to harness train the cat.
June: Turned 27. Celebrated our 1-year anniversary. Black Sheep Gathering and workshops with Judith McKenzie-McCuin. Filed paperwork for my own business after leaving my beloved student position at the EMU Marketing Dept.
July: Cherry picking, which turned into crazy jam making. Farm visit to our CSA farm. Trip to California for Mike and Lynette’s wedding. Saw redwoods, a geyser, a friend, drove through a tree.
August: Wedding of Scott and Elizabeth, husband was a groomsman.
September: Nothing of note, I guess. We did wrangle a 200 pound shelving unit home from Portland in our tiny car. That was an adventure.
October: Pica turned 2, Nanie’s house sold. Much rejoicing!
November: Paid off our credit cards. Started making my own vanilla extract. Knit. A lot. Blogged every day.
December: Snowpocalpyse. Did a large amount of baking. Merry Christmas. Signed a rental agreement for a new place, gave notice at long outgrown apartment.

2009 is full of hope for us. I’m not big on resolutions but I do have some plans. I wish for all of you the best year possible, full of joy and love and hope.


  1. Bishma

    “Husband turned 29. Bought a new spinning wheel.”
    It was the best present I could have asked for 😉

  2. penny

    Wow. That’s a beautiful new place! May you both enjoy it in good health. Here’s looking forward…