
Cathartic Ink

putting my own spin on things




Today I turned 28. It’s 10:15pm and I’ve had what feels like one of the most love and joy filled birthdays I’ve had the pleasure to enjoy. It’s been low-key. A few gifts from people I love most. A good dinner with my husband. Knitting group and phone calls from loved ones. Emails and twitter and facebook messages wishing me joy and happiness. Unlike on my 27th birthday, today I feel like I fit into myself. If today is any indication, 28 is going to be a splendid year for me. And now? That cake there? It’s calling my name.


  1. mom

    Very loved by many. I may be either just in front of or just behind Derek in the amount of love. Or maybe it is even!!!!

  2. Loopykd

    Happy Birthday! That cake is just beautiful. Did you ruin it? I sure hope so. It looks too good not to eat it.