
Cathartic Ink

putting my own spin on things

On the Mend.

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I am definitely on the mend. Whatever this is really wants to stick with me, but I’m feeling a lot better today. I’m continuing with a lot of sleep and plenty of fluids, and my voice is back again. I even made it through three days of classes last week!

Speaking of which, I’m pretty sure I hate one of my classes, but I can’t drop it now. I’m at minimum for full-time course load, plus finishing up some work from last term, so if I drop a class I fall below full-time. Then this term would count against me with my student loan deferment. So, I have to tough out my feminazis in architecture class. I was really excited for it, until the first day when I showed up and realized that the art history class that I signed up for is really a womens and gender studies course. There’s nothing wrong with that, but I’m not really interested in the way the professor offers the material. For instance, she talked about Marion Mahoney, and her husband Walter Burley Griffin. Marion Mahoney was the second woman to get a degree in architecture from MIT, and the first woman to hold an architectural license in Illinois. Mahoney then ended up working for Wright at his Oak Park studio and was responsible for a lot, if not most of the drawings that Wright used to promote his work. She also did a lot of design work in the studio, including the glass, furniture and other decorative items that went into Wright’s homes. The professor didn’t mention any of that in class. All that she mentioned was that Mahoney married Walter Burley Griffin [who had also worked for Wright] and that they worked together as a pair of architects. She also said that they were “definitely working in the Prairie School because they worked with someone who had trained in Louis Sullivan’s firm.” Um, yes, Wright did work for Sullivan, but since he was really the one to form the Prairie School, mighten their direct connection to him be more important than a secondary connection to Sullivan? Oy!

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