
Cathartic Ink

putting my own spin on things

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I spoke to Sarah today. Yup, the re-extubated her Saturday,
and on Sunday they moved her out of ICU into a fairly high-level care room. There is talk of moving her again very
soon to an “almost time to go home” room, and there’s a possibility of home later this week.

depressed and things are very muddled in her poor head. However, she’s still got spice. When I made a comment about
finishing my sock, she asked me where her scarf was. I told her that the acrylic yarn I started it with (I have a
giant ball of black in my stash and she was okay with it) just felt horrible and I couldn’t finish it, and I hadn’t
been able to locate yarn for a new one yet. I’m looking for something soft, fuzzy and dark brown, for a matching scarf
and mittens. Plus, I’m going to knit her some socks this summer. Wooooo!

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