
Cathartic Ink

putting my own spin on things


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So, my skin is very very dry and itchy. Why? Because the
weather has taken a turn for the drastic cold and dry here.  The highs have been around 20 below zero and the lows have
been around 30 below.  With the windchills, its been -50 to -60.  Today, I stood in the freezing cold for 45 minutes
while two lovely lovely boys helped Annika and I dig her car out from under over a foot of snow, and then gave her car
a jumpstart so we could get to home depot to purchase a 36 by 36 inch piece of plexiglass and a utility knife.  and
then she went on to purchase a container of dry gas and fill her tank the rest of the way with gas, vowing not to leave
her car sitting cold in a parking lot for a week again.  


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