
Cathartic Ink

putting my own spin on things

Posts Categorized / 101 in 1001

A Strawberry Handkerchief

One of my big knitting projects this year has been the Desdemona Shawl designed by the super talented Miriam Felton of MimKnits for Wooly Wonka Fiber’s Shakespeare in Lace club. The square shawl was inspired by Desdemona’s strawberry embroidered handkerchief in Othello. The yarn is a merino/tencel blend which blocks to a soft, drapey, wonderful read more


Smashed Chickpea Salad

One choice D and I have made this year is to try and cut back on our meat consumption. This means more mushrooms, more whole grains and hopefully, more beans and bean-like objects. I have a great aversion to the slightly gritty texture of beans though, so I’m searching hard to find ways to enjoy read more



One of my 101 in 1001 goals was to blog for 28 consecutive days. Well, I’ve decided to tackle that goal and will be participating in NaBloPoMo. In order to come up with content, I think I’ll be focusing some days into themes: Monday Musings – in which I will reflect on something I’ve read read more


101 in 1001

I am 994 days shy of turning 30. In order to celebrate that milestone, I decided to embark on 101 in 1001. For 1001 days I will attempt to accomplish 101 goals, ranging in size from small (visit the beach) to much larger scale (buy a house, launch my professional website). This blog post is read more