
Cathartic Ink

putting my own spin on things

Posts Categorized / Monday Musings

Monday Musings: On Holiday Knitting

I hate deadline knitting. Hate it. I like to just kind of plunk along, putting the knitting down for days if something else strikes my fancy. And yet it seems like I keep getting sucked into work on deadline. Knitting for babies, knitting to have something to wear at a wedding and knitting for the read more


Thoughts on November Rain

We’re definitely fully into another glorious Willamette Valley Autumn and I just wanted to take a moment to reflect on how I get through the winters here with a smile on my face. I love the rain. I never really expected to, but I blame my love of it pretty much on my stubbornness. As read more


Monday Musings, Take 1

For today’s Monday Musings, I wanted to recount an exchange I overheard yesterday morning at our local Original Pancake House. It was busy and as my husband was putting our names on the waiting list I noticed an elderly woman attempting to pay her bill. It went as follows: Cashier: Your breakfast is all paid read more