
Cathartic Ink

putting my own spin on things

Posts Categorized / Snapshot Sunday

Snapshot Sunday: Starbursts

New ornaments for our sparkle tree. And we’re done with NaBloPoMo, folks. Not sure what kind of posting schedule I’m going to go to now that November is over but I think that it will probably be more frequently than it was before. I’ve been enjoying it again, which was what I hoped would happen.


Snapshot Sunday: Pizza

We went to see Wall*E today and enjoyed it, although our cheap seat theater is possibly the most uncomfortable theater ever (low seats with high, fixed-position armrests so you end up sitting bolt upright and tipping just your head back to see). Then we made a short trip into Target for a few gifts and read more

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Snapshot Sunday: Elk

I finally finished editing all of the photos from our trip to California. I haven’t gotten them all uploaded yet, but I found this one, and thought it would be prefect for sharing. On our way home up Highway 101, just north of Eureka we came on a herd of elk strung across the road. read more

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