
Cathartic Ink

putting my own spin on things

Posts Categorized / Dyeing

The Eventual Sweater; A Long Haul Process

Just before my birthday I got an itch to spin and knit myself a sweater. I looked at patterns, picked several I like and then started researching fiber sources. I wanted it to be fairly soft, but also to have some sheen and to wear well so I turned to one of my favorite fibers read more

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Fairwell my Plastic Friend

Had a little bit of a rough week, full of sad things. The least of which was the demise of my beloved and trusty plastic Royal brand ball winder. Above is the last cake of yarn it will ever make, an 880 yard skein of lovely olive green merino laceweight yarn that I purchased from read more


Holiday Gifts Abound!

I mailed the last of my family’s gifts out this evening. I do have a few other packages to go out, but one is waiting on an item [and I’m prolonging the Christmas excitement for the recipient, she’s heading out of town before I could get things to her so it’ll just be there when read more

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Of Yarn and Klutz…

Here’s some recent spinning: 4 ounces 100% corridale koolaid dyed in my crockpot. I’m not happy with it, way too much twist, but it’s recipient is thrilled, so that’s what counts I suppose. And in further news, I am a klutz. Always have been, always will be. The building that I work in has, in read more

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Future Yarn in a Tree

4 ounces 100% Corridale roving. Dyed in the crockpot [2 hours on high, with a total of 10 packets of koolaid dissolved in vinegar.

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