
Cathartic Ink

putting my own spin on things

Posts Categorized / Knitting

Beginning the Process

So, I’ve begun my wedding shawl. It’s Madli’s Shawl from Interweave Knits Summer 2004. It’s a long, lacy, rectangular shawl with lots of fun “nupps” which are kind of a pain to knit, but I like how they look. I started it three days ago and have gotten through the first border and two repeats read more

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Trellis is almost done. It just needs to be blocked and seamed. It has fiddly construction bits, and there are places where I followed the directions and it still doesn’t seem quite right. It could be operator error, but I’m pretty anal when it comes to following directions and had the entire sweater charted out, read more

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Office Supplies Make me Giddy

Oh boy oh boy oh boy! I am ordering office supplies right now, and it really does make me giddy. All of the pens and sharpies. Huzzah! I also got to order three new fancy filing cabinets and get a quote for an expensive printer. I have no idea where we’re going to put this read more

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