
Cathartic Ink

putting my own spin on things

Posts Categorized / Knitting

Knit to Fit; Adjusting for a High Instep

I’m super excited to share a new pattern by my friend Kiersten, Rhetoric. I test knit the pattern and while I think we got most of the kinks worked out before its release, there were some moments of great consternation along the way. Because of the nature of the cables and the way that they read more


Surprise, Surprise, Baby Surprise

In a crowd of knitters, if you mention Elizabeth Zimmerman’s Baby Surprise Jacket, you’re likely to be met with one of two reactions. Either they’ll have knit it, probably more than once, or they’re intimidated by the scant instructions and “trust the pattern” nature of the knitting. I hadn’t knit one, although I purchased the read more


An Instant Gratification Project; Knitting Punctuation.

I love a good semicolon; the way it transitions from one sentence into another without a hard, hard pause. When I saw this pattern for a comma, apostrophe or quotation marks I was smitten. As I was showing my husband the nearly finished item, he smiled and told me that I “should knit it a read more


Knitting of Olympic Proportions

OR, can she knit nearly fifty-one thousand* stitches in sixteen days? The Knitting Olympics asks knitters to challenge themselves with a project that will stretch their limits and test their mettle as a knitter. Or cause a repetitive stress injury, whichever might come first. I chose Tonk’s Snow Peacock for my project because I knew read more


Verdaia, or Testy McTesterson

I’ve been doing some more test knitting. This time, I test knit ViolinJodie‘s new shawl pattern Verdaia (ravelry.com link). I ended up taking an impromptu trip east to stay with my mother for a week, which saved me a little money on postage as this was a gift for her. We got a little bit read more