
Cathartic Ink

putting my own spin on things

Posts Categorized / Knitting

Great Horned Owl

I’m on vacation but Cathartic Ink is not. Enjoy these posts, and I’ll be back with even more content after the end of my Great New England Tour of Aught Nine One of the brilliant hansigurumi patterns by Hansi Singh. I knit this back in July as a gift for Lisa, my favorite owl lover. read more



I recently got the chance to test knit for Laura Chau of Cosmicpluto Knits. I’ve been on a real shawl/shawlette kick this summer, completing 6.5 of them since May. So when she called for test knitters for her new bamboo inspired shawl I jumped on the chance, even though she needed it completed within five read more


Using my Powers for Good

It sometimes surprises people but the boarding school I was lucky enough to attend during my final two years of high school was focused on math and science. While I did not love calculus, I generally love numbers and math and puzzles and figuring out how things all fit together. When I’m knitting lace patterns read more


A Strawberry Handkerchief

One of my big knitting projects this year has been the Desdemona Shawl designed by the super talented Miriam Felton of MimKnits for Wooly Wonka Fiber’s Shakespeare in Lace club. The square shawl was inspired by Desdemona’s strawberry embroidered handkerchief in Othello. The yarn is a merino/tencel blend which blocks to a soft, drapey, wonderful read more