
Cathartic Ink

putting my own spin on things

Posts Categorized / Knitting

Out of Habit.

I have totally fallen out of the habit of writing in the blog. There have been lots of goings-on so I’ll do my best to update things here. For starters, we’re married. photo taken by sara. TheBoy is also now TheHusband and apart from being able to call him that (which I do with remarkable read more



Kate blogged about knitting objects and whether or not we create them to be heirlooms and I left her a comment about my family’s tradition when it comes to our Christmas stockings. We all have striped, fair isle stockings knit for us, with our names and various characters embellishing them. She emailed asking for photos, read more


Bay Area Part the First: The Fiber

This is a picture heavy one. A big part of the reason for the timing of my trip south was to be able to attend Stitches West. I have been purchasing much less than normal in terms of fiber for the past few months to prepare for this. Armed with some saved monies, and a read more


Be Sure to Wear Flowers in Your Hair

I am officially in the San Francisco Bay Area. After a 15 hour train ride I have taken a nap, taken a shower, had good German food for dinner [mmmm schnitzel!] and gone to two knitting group meetings. And now, now I will pass out for my two hours of sleep last night and two read more


Sometimes I Wonder if I Made the Right Choice.

I began knitting Madli’s Shawl early last summer. I picked out the pattern, bought the back issue of Interweave Knits and scoured the internet for a suitable yarn. My mom bought me that yarn for my 25th birthday and I was all set to start. I knit the first edging and 5.5 repeats of the read more