
Cathartic Ink

putting my own spin on things

Posts Categorized / Knitting

Things that Make me Giggle

I just signed up for Project Spectrum 2.0 and scrolled down to see my name on the list. Lo and behold I see that I fall here on the list: Right below my doppelganger, who is right below S. Three folks who didn’t know each other when they started their blogs but who now either read more

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Christmas Mitts!

I have known TheBoy for a hair over three years now. He has known that I am a knitter for almost as long as he’s known me and yet I don’t think that he ever realized what that meant for him in the long run. Pieces of yarn everywhere, piles of yarn everywhere, and [until read more

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Holiday Gifts Abound!

I mailed the last of my family’s gifts out this evening. I do have a few other packages to go out, but one is waiting on an item [and I’m prolonging the Christmas excitement for the recipient, she’s heading out of town before I could get things to her so it’ll just be there when read more

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Simple Knitted Bodice

A larger version of this image can be seen here [flickr] or here. Simple Knitted Bodice Yarn: Elann Peruvian Highland Wool Needles: US 7 for body, US2 and US3 for lace.Pattern: Simple Knitted Bodice by Stefanie Japel Stitch Diva Studios Modifications: I knit the 48″-50″ bust because that was what I was when I started. read more

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How I Learned to Knit

For Sara Okay. I’m going to write this story the way that I remember it. My mom reads so if her memory is better than mine I expect that she’ll clear things up for me. My mom is crafty. She sews, and she sewed most of our clothes up until I was in middle school. read more

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