
Cathartic Ink

putting my own spin on things

Posts Categorized / Knitting

Man Mitts Step One

I thought that I’d do a series of posts to talk about how I knit a pair of mitts, using the pair I’m currently working on for TheBoy. I don’t tend to use a pattern for mitts, although my mitts are always constructed in the general manner of Marnie’s Hooray for Me Gloves which are read more

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I Vote!

This will be a little bit of a bits and bobs update. Last night TheBoy and I sat down with our voter guides and our Oregon mail-in ballots and voted. It was fun, like taking a take-home test. I would review the measure and the letters in support and opposition and then cast my vote. read more

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Simple indeed! I’ve been knitting on this since last Sunday. I’ve done a bit more since this picture. It’s the simple knitted bodice designed by Stefanie Japel for Stitch Diva Studios. So far I’m extremely pleased with how this is turning out. The fit is good and so far pretty flattering as well. I’m unsure read more

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Socktoberfest Pair One!

Fleece Artist SocksYarn: Fleece Artist Merino in Rainforst, approximately 3/4 skeinNeedles: Brittany 5″ Birch DPN size 2 [2.75mm]Pattern: My own. See notes below.Modifications: None.Started: September 25, 2006Finished: October 8, 2006Notes: I knit a sock for TheBoy in between these two socks. The second sock was started and finished in less than 4 days, so the read more

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This month is Socktoberfest hosted by the lovely Lolly. I’ve finished one sock and had to rip out half of another already. I’m aiming for three complete pairs this month. We’ll see. Here are the answer to some questions to get things started: -When did you start making socks? Did you teach yourself or were read more

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