
Cathartic Ink

putting my own spin on things

Posts Categorized / State of the Blog

Gremlins + Intarwebz = Grr.

I’ve been having an issue this afternoon with wordpress forgetting it’s theme. So, instead of seeing a pretty blue background and a picture of roving, people see a blue box with a white background. We’ve fixed something that might have been causing it, but if anyone experiences this, toss me a comment/email so that I read more


New Theme.

With a little help from TheBoy, and a whole lot of tweaking of an existing theme, Cathartic Ink has a brand new look. If you’re viewing through an RSS feed, you might want to click over and check it out. Thanks!


Mind the Clutter

New Ink! When I first moved from blogger onto catharticink.com TheBoy decided to spend some of his free time writing an application for me to blog with. Now that he spends his 8.30-5.30 writing applications he’s decided that he just can’t keep up with rewriting the blogging application, at least not without sacrificing quality time read more


Cart Before the Horse?

My doppelganger made a comment about my shawl [which looks very close to the same as it did the other day so I’m not going to post a new photo] and how it’s coming before the dress. Folks might have also noticed that the shoes came before the dress too. It’s primarily been out of read more

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