
Cathartic Ink

putting my own spin on things

Posts Categorized / ‘Tis the Season

An Open Letter to Aught-Six

Dear Aught-Six*,You were generally a pretty good year. I managed to live through the first quarter century of my life and the subsequent quarter life crisis. I’m not going to dwell on those things that didn’t go my way Aught-Six, you and I know what they were and here’s hoping that more of the same read more


It’s a Winter Miracle!

I spent the entire day in my kitchen yesterday. There were pies and rolls and cranberry sauce and pudding, etc to make. At about 5:30pm I was making my apple pie and was flushing the peelings down the garbage disposal. All of a sudden the disposal started to sound weird and the sink began filling read more

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Christmas Mitts!

I have known TheBoy for a hair over three years now. He has known that I am a knitter for almost as long as he’s known me and yet I don’t think that he ever realized what that meant for him in the long run. Pieces of yarn everywhere, piles of yarn everywhere, and [until read more

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Holiday Gifts Abound!

I mailed the last of my family’s gifts out this evening. I do have a few other packages to go out, but one is waiting on an item [and I’m prolonging the Christmas excitement for the recipient, she’s heading out of town before I could get things to her so it’ll just be there when read more

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