
Cathartic Ink

putting my own spin on things

Posts Categorized / Workaholic

Willamette Valley Music Fest

This post is for the locals. This weekend, May 17-18 is the Willamette Valley Music Fest. In its 38th year, Music Fest features over 30 bands on two stages, an art expo, food vendors and beer and wine concessions. Sponsored by the UO Cultural Forum it is free to everyone! There’s a wide variety of read more

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Partway in.

Last week began the somewhat frantic and mostly hectic packing of the two offices that my department have inhabited in order to move into our one fancy new space. They began the physical move yesterday and finished it this morning. I do not yet have keys, but we’ll remedy that as soon as we get read more

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Office Supplies Make me Giddy

Oh boy oh boy oh boy! I am ordering office supplies right now, and it really does make me giddy. All of the pens and sharpies. Huzzah! I also got to order three new fancy filing cabinets and get a quote for an expensive printer. I have no idea where we’re going to put this read more

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