
Cathartic Ink

putting my own spin on things

Places I’ve Been: Old Faithful of California

Back in July, on our California roadtrip, we were able to stay with TheAmpuT and her son for far too short a visit. On our one full day there, she took us into Napa and up to one of the best kitschy tourist attractions I’ve been to in a long time: Old Faithful of California. read more

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Dyson Animal

Today’s Friday Fixation is a new gadget that makes my life a little easier: the Dyson Animal (DC25). Since our old Eureka has pretty much given up the ghost we decided that the extra money for the Dyson would be money well spent. We ran around town looking for it last Sunday, but unfortunately we read more


From The Comment Moderation Files

I didn’t really have anything to write about today so I logged into wordpress to see if I had anything saved in my Drafts folder I could run with. Instead, I’m pleased that I can share this gem with you: “Dear Ina Garten, I never miss your shows, and even watch reruns. I would like read more


Work in Progress Wednesday: Felted Clogs

As it has gotten colder, my husband realized he needed slippers. I finished this first one ages ago, and am currently aiming to complete the second one this weekend so they can be fulled to size (fulling is the process by which you shrink a piece of knitting using hot water and agitating, frequently inaccurately read more

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Caramel Apple Cheesecake

We had dinner out with my in-laws on Saturday night. Because I love to bake, I offered to make dessert to eat at home, instead of forcing too much food at the dinner table. I took inspiration from Tartelette’s Blueberry Heart Cheesecakes for the cheesecake, adding cinnamon-y apples and caramel for a really delicious fall read more


Monday Musings, Take 1

For today’s Monday Musings, I wanted to recount an exchange I overheard yesterday morning at our local Original Pancake House. It was busy and as my husband was putting our names on the waiting list I noticed an elderly woman attempting to pay her bill. It went as follows: Cashier: Your breakfast is all paid read more


Otter Fun

Short post today because we’re expecting company and we need to finish the tidying of the apartment. This happy otter put on quite a show for us at the Monterey Bay Aquarium during our visit in July. D and I love aquariums so we love to visit them when we travel. A little tip for read more

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Happy Halloween

We’re not doing anything for Halloween this year (we’re staying home and cleaning the apartment since D’s parents are coming to visit tomorrow) but I’d be remiss if I didn’t share our birthday-cat’s Halloween costume: She hates it. Hates. It is kind of funny how defeated she looks when I put it on. Lest you read more

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Drawing with Water

This is absolutely stunning. Emmanuel Guibert used water to create his graphic novel Alan’s War: The Memories of G.I. Alan Cope It seems a little boring until right at the end and then it’s just captivating. via Boing Boing



One of my 101 in 1001 goals was to blog for 28 consecutive days. Well, I’ve decided to tackle that goal and will be participating in NaBloPoMo. In order to come up with content, I think I’ll be focusing some days into themes: Monday Musings – in which I will reflect on something I’ve read read more
