
Cathartic Ink

putting my own spin on things

Pueblo, in stages.

Lest folks think I’m not being crafty, here’s some yarn that I spun, in all its stages. Left, the finished, washed two-ply yarn. Right-top, corridale pencil roving from Crown Mountain Farms in the now-discontinued Pueblo colorway. Right-middle, two bobbins worth of singles. Right-bottom, another shot of the finished two-ply. I skeined this up and haven’t read more


Farmer John

Recently my husband and I purchased a share in a local community supported agriculture farm, thanks in part to Jodie and Anthony. Once a week we get a bag full of wonderful local produce. So far our favorite things have been the apricots, the strawberries, and the homemade sauerkraut. Just after we joined, the farm read more


Mike and Lynette

You could tell me we belong together And I could tell you belong with me But we’ve run out of things to say And we’ll be happy anyway* Congratulations Mike and Lynette. You’re now one of us, those ridiculously happily married couples. May your love buoy you through all of life, and may your happiness read more

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MADE by RachelM

My friend Rachel has started a new venture. She’s opened a fabulous etsy shop full of amazing stitch markers and fabulous bags. The markers are beautiful to look at, lightweight and snag free, even when working with laceweight yarns. I highly recommend her, and I would even if she weren’t my friend.

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Just a Pretty Cat Photo

Because I think she’s the best cat ever.

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Cherry Picking.

Things have been busy, but one thing that we’ve been making time for is trips to Hentze’s Family Farm in Junction City to pick our own fruit. On our first trip, the dark sweets weren’t quite ready, so we picked 18 pounds of Rainier cherries. The photo above is dark sweets though, because they still read more



Lunchtime. Grabbed at quick burger with my husband. Waiting in the car for our food, I see an elderly couple exit the restaurant and climb into a tan Ford Taurus of mid-90s vintage with bumper stickers that read “The only Bush I trust is my own” and “somewhere in Texas a village is missing its read more


Quick Summer Dinner

We recently signed up for produce delivery from Good Food Easy. Tonight’s dinner was a quickie; shiitake mushrooms, Yakina savoy (a variety of cabbage) and garlic scapes sauteéd in a little butter and some sherry mixed in with couscous with homemade garlic scape pesto I made earlier in the day. It was garlic-y, a little read more


Books Books Books

I have a lot to catch up on, but until I get the photos processed, here’s a book meme snitched from Rachelm. The Big Read reckons that the average adult has only read 6 of the top 100 books they’ve printed.” 1) Look at the list and bold those you have read. 2) Italicize those read more

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Dancing in the Dark

“What is REAL?” asked the Rabbit one day, when they were lying side by side near the nursery fender, before Nana came to tidy the room. “Does it mean having things that buzz inside you and a stick-out handle?” “Real isn’t how you are made,” said the Skin Horse. “It’s a thing that happens to read more


Festival Schmestival

It’s Black Sheep Gathering time again. If anyone needs me for these next few days I’ll be at the gathering, likely feeling pretty high on wool fumes. Mmmmm. Wool fumes. I’ll be tweeting the events, you can find that here. bsg bingo graphic copyright bd rose llc. all rights reserved.


To Harness Train a Cat.

This might be one of the most ridiculous things I have ever attempted to do. In fact, I am dead positive that this is the most ridiculous things I’ve ever done. I never really planned to own a cat, much preferring the cats of others that I could walk away from once I was done read more
